Macca (Adopted)

Name: Macca (short for Macadamia)

Species: Campbell dwarf hamster

Sex: Male

Estimated age: 8 weeks

Likes: Running on his wheel, treats, grain sprays

Dislikes: Bright lights and noise



 This young and bright-eyed hamster is highly energetic and enjoys running on his wheel. He’s also easily startled and can get easily frightened when touched. This shy hamster hates the limelight: He’ll hide if you turn on the lights, so he needs darkness for his true personality to shine. He’s slowly warming up to his fosterer though, and lets himself be petted from time to time. Over time, he too will learn to trust his fur-ever owner.  


Cage: 70x40cm or bigger. No-bar enclosure preferred but not required.

Wheel: 21 cm or larger

Bedding: Oxbow / Kaytee unscented paper beddings

Diet: Fat Pouches premium mix / Fresh vegetables every other day

Enrichment: Minimum 2 to 3 hideouts, chew toys