Maximus (Adopted)

Species: Dwarf

Estimated age: 6 months

Gender: Male

Likes: mealworms, digging, running on his wheel

Dislikes: being picked up suddenly

Similar to Pascal, Maximus is named after the horse in Tangled (these two fosterers arrived in the middle of the movie and well, they needed names :P) and boy is he as feisty and full of life as the character he was named after! Maximus can often be found burrowing or digging in his bedding, so potential adopters will need to make sure you give him sufficient bedding. He also loves running on the wheel and wolfing down protein (mealworms) after an intense workout.

Maximus also loves his fruits and vegetables, and may sometimes get too excited and nibble on your fingers instead of the food. But don’t worry, he has learnt that human meat is not very delicious and he would very much prefer the chunk of apple or carrot that you hold in your hand. If you would like to add some flavor and excitement to your life, Maximus is definitely the boy for you!