Happy (Adopted)

Species: Dwarf hybrid

Gender: Male

Estimated age: 6+ months

Likes: Seed mixes, treats, running and relaxing on the wheel

Dislikes: Sudden movements 


Happy is a very chill and chonky hamster who was rescued from the recent hoarding case of 100+ hamsters. Despite the traumatic experience that he had undergone, he is a very relaxed hamster who loves to sleep belly up both in his hideouts and also on his beloved wheel (see picture as evidence)! He is very used to human touch and simply loves head/back rubs. 

Happy is a glutton (that explains his size) who is extremely motivated by food. He will empty his food bowl every day and will not hesitate to zoom out from wherever he is upon hearing the sound of the food containers.  Luckily this cute boy knows how to keep himself fit after feasting. He will start his running routine every night even before the lights are off. 

An important point to note for Happy’s future adopter. Happy is still not toilet-trained to pee in the sand. In the meantime, it’s advisable to provide hideouts without any base to prevent him from peeing in the hideout and sleeping inside at the same time. 

Given Happy’s chill and easy-going personality, he has the great potential to be a cuddlebug. Will you be the one to shower him with lots of love and attention?


Cage: 70x40cm or bigger. No-bar enclosure preferred but not required.

Wheel: 21 cm or larger (NO wooden wheel as he will pee on it)

Bedding: Fat Pouches Teabag bedding or Oxbow unscented paper beddings  

Diet: Bunny Nature Dwarf Hamster Dream Expert, Fat Pouches standard seed mix and Fresh vegetables every other day

Enrichment: Minimum 2-3 hideouts, lots of kitchen rolls