Busky (Adopted)

Species: Dwarf
Est age: <1 year
Gender: Male
Likes: Sunflower seeds, dried peas
Dislikes: Millets, no interaction

Busky is an inquisitive and good natured hamster. From the get go, he does not mind being touched and rarely bites. The only time he bites is when he wants food. Once food is given, he stops. So he's a smart boi! He will also notice when people are around and even climbs on the side of the cage to meet.

He likes to sleep out in the open in the corner of the cage and occasionally burrows. Busky has the mind of an explorer. During free roam, he is often trying to escape by squeezing himself through the fence. One must also make sure that his cage is closed properly because he can climb very well and will attempt an escape.