Bean (Adopted)

Species: Dwarf

Estimated age: 3 months

Gender: Male 

Likes: Food, pine nuts, insects, sprays, treats, veggies!

Dislikes: Sudden movements and being grabbed

Fosteror’s Instagram account: @mellyyland

Bean might be small, but he’s a huge ball of energy! When he’s not running on his wheel, he’s eating loads of food. He’s extremely energetic and spends all night running and snacking. He loves his sprays, chews, veggies, insects, and basically any sort of food! In the day you can sometimes find him snacking in his sand bath or excitedly nomming on his sprays!

Bean loves foraging for food, especially when his food is scattered around his cage. He zooms around, vacuuming up everything he can find. He’s a young boi and will thrive with loads of enrichment and activity, as well as a nice big cage.

Bean is a cautious boy and needs some time before he warms up to you, but he is easily bribed by treats! He gets spooked by sudden movements but will take treats from your hand when you slowly and gently put your hand into his enclosure! He doesn’t mind being picked up, as long as you gently scoop him up from below.

He is absolutely gorgeous with an amazingly soft coat, and his cute little face will definitely melt your heart!

Bean will need someone willing to be patient with him as he slowly learns to trust humans, and someone who is willing to give him lots of free-roam time! He is an incredibly sweet, good-tempered ham who does not bite, and with time he’ll definitely be an amazing companion!

Cage: Unbarred (minimum 80x50cm)
Wheel: 21cm or bigger (25-27cm recommended)
Bedding: Birch (current bedding) or paper
Food: Fatpouches Standard/Premium
Enrichment: Minimum 2-3 hides (including 1 multi-chamber hide), chews, sprays