Ansel (Adopted)

Breed: Hybrid Dwarf

Estimated age: 3+ months

Gender: Male 

Likes: His sand bath, sleeping in the open, fresh veggies, pine nuts

Dislikes: Being grabbed suddenly, being poked and prodded

More videos at his fosterer’s Instagram highlight reel! Click here to view his highlight.

Ansel joined HSS’ foster programme as a tiny boy who was always hiding away from everyone. After 2 weeks at his fosterer’s house, he has become more confident and more chonky. He’s now a 44g fatty who sleeps facing up in the open and struggles to flip over when he’s awake. The same goes when he’s rolling in the sand hahaha, he just can’t get up without struggling. 

He makes very adorable expressions and is definitely an IG-worthy ham. Ansel eagerly runs out when he smells food being placed in his cage. Despite his chubby appearance and gluttony behaviour, he hustles hard on his wheel at night when the lights are turned off. He is potty-trained, and pees in his sandbox as long as there is a base-less hideout in there for privacy. This makes cleaning up after him much easier!

Future adopters will have to be patient with him as he gets spooked by sudden movements easily. He is also slightly squirmy and does not like being picked up by new people. However, with enough patience and time, you will definitely get a manja hamster judging by his progress in the last 2 weeks. 

Will you be the one to welcome him home?


1. Diet: He is currently being fed Mazuri lab blocks mixed with Bunny Nature Dwarf Hamster Dream Expert and Fatpouches Premium seed mix. Lab blocks with either one of the above seed mixes will be highly preferred.

2. Cage: He needs a non-barred cage to prevent bar-climbing and monkey-barring habits. Ansel is currently housed in a Savic Rody Cavia so the same cage or something bigger will be very much preferred!

3. Bedding: Oxbow paper bedding or teabag bedding please! Kaytee bedding is too dusty for Ansel’s slightly sensitive nose.

4. Sand: Either Versele Laga or Witte Molen Chinchilla Sand. The other brands are too fine and dusty, they also do not hold pee clumps as well as VL and WM. A large sand bath that is minimally 30x15cm is highly recommended as Ansel likes to bathe and pee in there. You can get a container of this size for $2 at Daiso!