Hamster Society (Singapore)

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Gnocchi (Adopted)

Species: Winter white

Estimated age: 7-8 Months

Gender: Female

Likes: whimzees!!! tunnels, millet sprays, chicken, scrambled egg, digging, walnuts (de-shelled), sunflower seeds, bok choy

Dislikes: mealworms, sudden movements


When you look over at Gnocchi’s cage you will probably spot her hoovering up all the food she flicked out of her bowl earlier. She loves to hoard food as well, and build up huge stashes in the corner of her cage. Gnocchi absolutely loves Whimzees. If you give her one she will immediately pick it up and take it out of sight to her hideout. She also likes hazelnuts, but you have to take them out of the shell for her because she is a spoiled princess lol.


She loves to chill in her tunnels, both plastic, paper towel rolls and ones she has dug herself. In the day she also likes to nap occasionally in ceramic hideouts, or pressed up against the side of the cage when it gets too. Gnocchi also loves to dig - on her wheel, in her food bowl, and of course in her sand pit but she is still learning about toilet training as sand is new to her.


She can get a little spooked when things move super fast and towards her, and she is still learning about how to interact with humans, but after the initial fierceness she is happy to climb up to sit and eat off your hand, and she truly has a one track mind while eating so you can give her lots of pats while she hoovers up her food.


If you can give this silly potato a chance, then please consider adopting Gnocchi!

Minimum 70x40cm
21cm or bigger
Currently using Kaytee Clean and Cozy (with sifting) mixed with teabag bedding, but anything for burrowing
Food: Bunny Nature Expert, FP Standard
Sand: Wittemolen
whimzee chews, sprays, tunnels, lots of bedding, ceramic hideouts, flying saucer