Peppa (Adopted)

Species: Syrian

Est Age: 6+ months

Rescue Date: 04/08/2020

Gender: Female

Likes: Dehydrated apple, baby food, puffed grains, her wheel, creating nests

Dislikes: Being flipped upside down, herbs, being ignored

Peppa is a confident and gentle lady who has a luxuriously soft coat. She is inquisitive and needs a lot of attention and stimulation from her owners. During free-roam, she can manage to get herself in sticky situations - once she managed to climb into her fosterer's dustbin, and then was unable to get out! Peppa's funny antics are sure to keep you entertained! Peppa is also not scared of human contact. She likes to run all over her fosterer's body like a playpen!

Peppa's gentle, ladylike nature is sure to endear her to her future owners. She takes treats gently and always holds treats in her paws before putting them in her cheek. No vacuuming directly into her pouches for this cultured hamster! Her most unladylike behaviour is when she unrelentlessly begs for attention when she realises you are near!

Peppa is toilet-trained, though for a time when she didn't have sand, she used to pee in her wheel. While she tolerates being flipped on her back, she has little patience for it and will use her teeth to tell you when she is fed up.

Will you be the one to wait on Peppa's every whim?