Mighty (Adopted)

Gender: Female

Est age: 4 months

Likes : quietness, seeds, freeze dried tofu, fresh veggies

Dislikes : sudden movements, stealing food bowl

My my, how Mighty you are! Mighty was previously housed in tiny homes along with many other hams with rotating water bottle. Now that Mighty has such a big space all to himself, she loves to hide and burrow in the bedding. Mighty gets overprotective of her food and water even till now and will sometimes run towards it if you're bringing it away.

Mighty has a round chubby face with killer looks and never fails to make the guys swoon. She will charm you with her fast actions and her little nibbles. Mighty absolutely loves sleeping peacefully under her burrows so she appreciates mountains of bedding above her. She is a Mighty bedding digger! She digs through the bedding like there's no tomorrow! you'll often see many tiny but Mighty entrances at different parts of the enclosure.

Mighty came from a place where attention was rarely given. Because of that, she is still a little weary of humans. But with a little time, love, care and food, she'll be your cuddle buddy in no time!