Ivory (Adopted)

Breed: Syrian

Gender: Female

Likes: clothes cabinets, science selective supplements, attention, a huge cage, rodipet chew blocks

Dislikes: being woken up, strangers, any form of sunlight (vampire)

Ivory is a sweet soul who enjoys plenty of free-roam time and stuffing her cheeks full of Science Selective pellets. She would be best suited for an owner who can cope with her restless evening excursions (around 7-10pm) and climbing the bars on her cage (and virtually everything else in the room). Though shy at first, Ivory has blossomed into a curious ham who responds to her name and loves being cuddled (from time to time oops). She’s currently being fed a mix of rodipet, bunny nature, and an assortment of fresh veg/herbs, protein, and fruits.

Be warned that she WILL try to open any and all packets of food and stash treats around your room free-roaming so be prepared to clean up!!

Perks include: knowing how to get back to her cage (puppy 2.0), potty trained, not bitey, sleeps in the day and wakes up at your timing, sweetest personality and softest fur ever

Cons: none? just keep your food hidden and don’t be fooled by her begging