Chonky McChonkers (Adopted)

Species: Winter White Hybrid
Gender: Male
Est. Age: 9+ months
Likes: FOOD!, head rubs, making intricate nests then not sleeping in them, snatching food from your fingers, sleeping in his wheel
Dislikes: Sudden, quick movements, when people don’t let go of the food they’re giving him, herbs & flowers

By day, Chonky is a meticulous interior decorator who loves decorating and stuffing his nests full of bedding then opting to sleep elsewhere; and by night, he’s a gourmand in training whose goal is to savour all the different types of food that life has to offer!

As a gourmand (in training), he doesn’t have a favourite food and loves all food equally as long as they’re edible, suitable for hamsters — though, just between you and I, he’s not a big fan of herbs and flowers. He has a bad habit of lightly nibbling on anything that may smell remotely like food so always make sure your hands are free of any traces of food when interacting with this chonky fella. Apart from that, he’s a good-natured ham who enjoys head rubs whenever he decides to stay put in your hands and loves staying cool by curling up in his empty ceramic hideout.

When he is not stuffing his cheek pouches with food to the point that he ends up looking like an inverted pear, he can be found stuffing his pouches full of bedding instead so he can start on the never-ending remodelling project for his home. Oddly, while he loves building and renovating, he rarely sleeps in them; choosing instead to sleep in his wheel or a ceramic hideout with zero traces of any bedding or tissue. He loves peeing and pooping in his wheel where he also sleeps so potential adopters should be prepared to clean out his wheel every day or every other day to prevent ammonia burn.

Chonky McChonkers may be a quirky oddball with an equally odd name, he is also fun to watch and we’re sure his many strange habits will leave you chuckling to yourself.