Buttons (Adopted)

Breed: Hybrid Dwarf

Estimated age: 3 months 

Gender: Female 

Likes: Fud, gnawing at cardboard and chew toys, hideouts with holes at the top, pancaking in her sand 

Dislikes: Baby corn 

Buttons is an inquisitive little bean who perks up at the slightest sound and is ever ready to greet you when you call out to her! She loves popping her head out of little openings in her hideouts so don’t be surprised if you catch her peeping at you! 

 Curiously unlike most hammos, she is awake at random times of the day and you can spy her exploring her cage or having a go on her wheel in between her power naps. She’s a little energizer bunny who wants to make the most of every waking moment. She is also very photogenic and poses for pictures well (it also helps that she can always be found in very meme-able positions hehe) 

Buttons is hand tamed (i.e. she is comfortable with climbing on your palm and getting pats and cuddles) but it ultimately depends on her mood. Snacks always help!) She also has a severe case of fear of missing out (fomo). If you’re out (and remotely near her cage), she wants to be out too! You can often catch her napping in the open to be the first to get some of your attention! Recently, she has taken to sleeping on (not in) a paper towel roll, for that vantage point to better spy on her fosterer.  Sometimes if you successfully out-sneak her, you can catch her dozing off while sitting on her little butt in her failed attempt to spy on you. 

Will you be the one to ease Buttons’ fomo?