Coffee (Adopted)

Species: Dwarf
Gender: Female
Estimated age: 8 months
Likes: To hoard lots and lots of food

Coffee always seems to be high on caffeine during meal times. Super active little darling girl and will always beg for food. Once she knows you're around, she'll S-T-R-E-T-C-H out to you and sniff around your fingers for food. She cleans out her food dish pronto so be careful about feeding her too much cos she's just hoarding it in her nest somewhere. She probably has supermodel genes cos how else is she keeping so slim with so much food? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Otherwise, Coffee can be found sleeping under her pile of bedding or hideout (usually near her growing mountain of food stash). She is tame and will allow cuddles but will sometimes nibble on fingers (you know, just checking if its food... 🤣)

Will you be the one to bring this darling supermodel hamgirl home and give in to her demands of food, food and more food?