Milk (Adopted)

Species: Syrian
Est Age: 6 weeks+
Gender: Female
Rescued: 6 July 2019
Likes: Free roaming, nesting, FOOD AND TREATS, zucchini
Dislikes: pellets

Milkmilk looks just like a cow. She has a beautiful coat of fur, and when she sits in her food bowl to eat, she resembles a perfect fluffy circle. Supercute

Big fan of zucchini, carrots and chicken. Likes lab blocks too, but avoids colourful pellets in her food. Do provide her with non pelleted foods. Like her sister Megumi, milk is a deep sleeper and pretty much only wakes up in the evening to play. She is still skittish and tries to avoid contact unless you are bribing her with food and free roam time. Thumping on her wheel daily like a treadmill.