Bubu (Adopted)

species: Winter white pearl
Est Age: 7 months
Gender: Male
Rescued: 28 March 2019
Likes: mealworms, food, more food, sleeping in weird positions

Bubu is suspected to be the father of Kirei and Kirin. As Bubu was bred when he was very young, he is only a few months apart from his kids. He is a weird one. He enjoys sleeping pressed flat against his glass tank. Upside down, diagonally, horizontal, he doesnt mind the position at all! As long as he’s pressed against the glass or cool surfaces, he’s happy. As he was not handled with care previously, Bubu can be quite frightened of humans. However, all is forgotten once you offer him a snack. He will overcome all fear to eat the snack. Tofu, peanut butter on fingers, a little pine nut, a tasty mealworm.. the list goes on. Whatever it is, once he sees it, he’ll snatch it out of your hands.

Because snacks are tasty and naps are good.

(Bubu might not be suitable for children as he has a tendency to nip and squeak if handled too roughly)

As of 15 Apr, Bubu is able to be handfed, sits on palms to eat, and will allow you to stroke him while he eats from your hands)