Lilo (Adopted)

Species: Syrian
Est Age: Less than 1 year
Gender: Female
Rescued: 24 March 2019
Likes: Vegetables, Gerber puffs, running around

Dislikes: mealworms

Just like the character in the animated Disney movie, Lilo is a high energy, strong, independent female! She is fearless, has a mind of her own and is full of curiosity. Her favourite time of the day is in the evenings, when she gets to roam around the room and explore new areas such as corners bed covers and even her fosterer’s hands, legs and feet. When she’s in her cage, she burrows and amuses herself by chewing on her toys and running on her wheel. She doesn’t bite and shows her sweet and endearing side by climbing and interacting with her foster parents’ when she’s out of the cage.

While we don’t know her age, we estimate her to be younger than 1 year old. She would make a great interactive pet for any family lucky enough to adopt her!

Scroll right for more pictures of little Lilo!