Momo (Adopted)

Update on 22 Jan 2019: Momo was adopted by a lovely couple

Species: Winter White
D.O.B: Dec 2018
Gender: Female

Likes: Mealworms, tofu treats, millet sprays, exploring
Dislikes: NA

Momo is 1/4 of Joseph’s baby gang. She is docile, toilet trained (Only pees in toilet roll tubes) and LOVES food. Her eyes have just opened a few weeks ago and she is enjoying life and exploring the world. This is a neat little lady who likes keeping her living space clean and tidy, grooming, and rolling in her bath sand daily. As baby hamsters have an energetic nature and can run around extremely fast, they are unsuitable for inexperienced handlers or little children.

Scroll right for more pictures of sweet Momo!