Crunchie (Adopted)

Species: Dwarf Hybrid
Est Age: 4 months
Gender: Female
Rescued: 28 July 2019
Likes: Mealworms, Chicken Breast, Krill, Grasshopper, Walnuts
Dislikes: Loud noises, sudden movements

Crunchie is a young hamster who is already a mother of 5 babies. She was housed together with multiple hamsters and got pregnant when she was too young. Her old home was a small, dirty tank that smelled badly of urine. Even though she was still a baby herself, she is a responsible mother who did her best to care for her pups, despite the terrible conditions!

Thank goodness we got her because she was fed a poor diet of only oats and sunflower seeds even while she was nursing. Needless to say, her diet improved dramatically the moment she was rescued. She was fed a diet of fresh veg, lab blocks, seed mix, chicken breast, mealworms and more! She never failed to clear her food bowl at each feed, and probably developed a love for protein! Today, she lunges for mealworm, krill and grasshopper treats!

We're glad to report that she has gained weight and is a healthy 38g (from 23g when she was still nursing). She has boundless energy and absolutely loves running on the wheel. Crunchie is also an absolute sweet heart. She is tame, doesn't bite and will eat from the palm of your hand.