Hamster Society (Singapore)

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Shifu (Adopted)

Species: Dwarf

Estimated age: 1 year +

Gender: Male

Likes: Sand, cooling surfaces, sprays, Fatpouches standard mix 

Dislikes: Being held for too long 

Fosteror’s Instagram account: @justmochiing 



Shifu is the master of sleeping in the open. You can find him sleeping in/on things that are made of ceramic or marble. Being the master he is, he easily finds inner peace with a bowl full of food and plenty of sand to sleep in. 


While he is okay with being handled, doing so for too long might result in unpeaceful moments. Adopters should be mindful that when he starts to fidget in your hands, it is best to let him down. He will do best in a home that leaves him alone to find peace in himself, but the occasional cuddles and pets will be greatly appreciated so he does not forget what human touch feels like.


Shifu likes anything and everything food related, his fosterer has yet to find out what food he actually dislikes. 


Will you be the one to welcome the wise Master into your home? 



Food: FP seedmix 
Enrichment: Cooling ceramic/marble surfaces, sprays